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My Journey

I was a 17-year-old positive mischievous teenager in my final years of high school

This is a day engraved into my memory that changed the direction of my life. I remember getting home from school and my dad looking extremely sad and concerned. He had something to tell me and my brother and I could tell that it was something distressing. He started explaining how our younger sister was lying in a hospital bed and had just been diagnosed with a life-threatening illness (lymphocytic leukemia) – cancer of the white blood cell. It was at this moment that my father completely broke into tears, a moment that I will never forget. I experienced many mixed emotions, but at the same time this overriding sense of maturity to step up and become an adult.

How could a perfectly healthy young girl become the victim of a debilitating illness?

This was without a doubt a major crossroad moment in my life. Confused, angry, scared, passionate and hungry for answers, I started my journey in the wellness industry. My drive and overwhelming desire to understand how the body works led me to study physiology, personal training and emotional intelligence. This involved understanding the complex and fascinating world of the immune system, anatomy, energy, frequencies and nutrition.

My transformation resulted in me becoming a Personal Trainer and a Wellness Coach

I was able to connect with my clients and truly motivate them. In a short period of time I was training people around the world. I was also conducting seminars and motivational talks with different companies and sporting clubs. I have been fortunate enough to do my dream job and get paid for doing something that I love.

My sister’s illness forced me to question my own existence, prompting me to not only examine the how and why, but above all affirm my inner passion to help people.

It has now been over 20 years and my journey has never been stronger and more fulfilling. I have helped thousands of people around the world from different backgrounds to achieve their personal physical and mental goals. I have developed the gift of being able to help and motivate others and it is my priority to give back to humanity. My studies have continued into developing areas such as energy healing, breathwork meditation, nutrition and emotional intelligence. I am currently an active personal trainer, corporate wellness coach and mentor to many people. If given the opportunity to help you, I would be blessed to do so.

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Corporate Wellness

According to a study by the American Psychological Association:
β€œ89% of workers at companies that support well-being efforts are more likely to recommend their company as a good place to work.”

Healthy workforce equals healthy business

Corporate wellness programs are designed to bring people together, encourage and support the wellbeing of employees, smoothen workplace interactions and improve emotional awareness. A carefully tailored wellness program for your office can increase productivity, cultivate healthy workplace habits and build a strong foundation for your business.

We know that many diseases are preventable

Focusing on creating an ongoing healthy environment for your business is smarter than trying to find a cure for a problem that could have been avoided in the first place. This is where a tailor made program can be beneficial. There is no one-size-fits-all kind of solution, which is why working with a wellness coach dedicated to creating a personally tailored plan has the best results.

A Holistic approach to improve wellbeing as a whole

When thinking about wellbeing, we often concentrate on physical health before mental health. However, having a healthy mind and a healthy body shouldn’t be seen as two different entities. Implementing a holistic approach is a great way to educate your employees on the importance of healthy habits and positively influence their attitude and wellbeing.

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“Working with organisations is something that I really enjoy.
I love seeing the huge shift towards positive energy that occurs in a very short time. It is truly incredible!”

Corporate Wellness Services that we provide:

  • Corporate Wellness Solutions I will work closely with you to build a tailored program that meets your corporate wellness targets.

  • Motivational Presentations Unique presentations that will motivate your teams and give them practical skills to improve their wellbeing.

  • Health and Fitness Seminars These are more interactive and hands-on sessions focused on a specific subject and method.

The topics we can cover off include:

  • Exercise and wellness fundamentals
  • Exercise programming
  • Fitness, Strength and Flexibility
  • Goal setting
  • Habit building

  • Social and emotional intelligence
  • Yoga
  • Pilates
  • Nutrition
  • Physiotherapy

  • Balancing lifestyle education
  • Healthy living plans
  • Meditation and mindfulness
  • Breathwork emotional processing
  • Qi Gong self healing techniques

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Personal Coaching

One of the primary reasons that people choose to train with me is that I educate them on all aspects of health, fitness and exercise. Knowledge is power and when it comes to your fitness goals, having a proper understanding of what is required for you to reach those goals is incredibly empowering.

I will be able to help you become further educated on how your nutrition plays a role in your fitness journey, what exercises target which muscles, the correct exercise form and so much more. Being able to turn to a fitness professional with questions rather than turning to Google will result in detailed, educated and personalised answers that will help you succeed.

Read more about Personal Coaching

Having the correct posture and technique isΒ essentialΒ in reducing the risk of injury. Every year, many people are seriously injured by performing exercises they have not received training for, and this can impact their health and fitness for a long time. Having someone with the right qualifications to demonstrate how to perform exercises correctly and efficiently not only can reduce the risk for injuries but increases the effectiveness of your fitness routine.

While some people may only require minor tweaks on certain exercises, others may need to start from scratch: learning the basics and developing the knowledge as well as self-awareness to understand their form. Either way, I will be able to identify what you need and will lead the way.

Often when people start training, they expect to achieve their goals straight away, whether that’s weight loss, improved core strength or greater strength overall. It’s important to know that these things take time, so if your goals aren’t realistic, it’s easy to get discouraged when you don’t achieve them right away.

I will not only help you set realistic goals that you will be able to achieve, but you will also be able to stay on track to hit those goals. For example, if your goal is to achieve a β€˜bikini body’ for the summer, it’s not just about doing 100 crunches a day for a month to work your abs. It takes a carefully selected set of exercises that work on specific parts of the body. This is where I can offer guidance and mentorship so that you can achieve your desired result.


People around the world have used breath as a healing tool since ancient times. Even the Latin word for breath and spirit are the same. Your breath brings oxygen into your body so that you can flourish, and a mindful breathing practice can help you reach a deeper state of consciousness where love and spirit unite. Conscious breathwork offers the opportunity to explore childhood memories and traumas, old belief and thinking patterns, physical and mental blocks as well as anxiety, fear, depression and repressed emotions.

Read more about the benefits of breathwork

Benefits include:

  • Boosts immune system
  • Elevates mood and improves sleep
  • Heals trauma
  • Helps with concentration and clarity
  • Increases energy
  • Increases sports performance
  • Improves mental health and relieves stress
  • Natural anti-inflammatory
  • Prevents burnout
  • Releases trauma and fear stuck in the body

Breathwork aligns your body in a way that allows for healing to happen between the physical and mental body. It is truly remarkable how many of our challenges can be resolved through conscious breathing techniques. The positive impact that breathwork can have on your body is just spectacular.

Qi Gong

Often, our physical issues arise from both mental and physical stress. Today’s world promotes a high-paced and high-achieving lifestyle, due to which a lot of people experience anger, anxiety, burnout, depression and other negative effects on mental health, such as poor sleep.

Qigong, pronounced β€œchi gong,” was developed in China over 5,000 years ago as part of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is a gentle practice based on the principles used in acupuncture and Traditional Taoist Medicine. It contains exercises to optimize energy within the body, mind and spirit. Dynamic (active) qigong techniques focus on smooth movements, while meditative (passive) techniques involve mindful breath and mind exercises. Practicing qigong allows the body to truly relax and come back to its natural state of calm, in which the body can start to heal itself.

Read more about the benefits of Qigong

Benefits include

  • Better concentration
  • Better sleep
  • Feeling calmer and more relaxed
  • Flexibility and balance
  • Increased stamina and strength
  • Improved cognition and memory
  • Improved immune and digestive system
  • Positive effects on bone and cardiovascular health
  • Reduced symptoms of depression and anxiety

Qigong is the perfect remedy for reducing tension in the body and mind. It has helped me tremendously, as well as many of my clients and I am excited to share this ancient practice with you!

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